And receive our motivated quotation

Photo credit: Pixabay


And receive our motivated quotation

Your input defines the quality of our output. Therefore, please tell us what what you want, need, when, and where.

And then we suggest you how to do it, how long it will take and what the costs will be.

Practical solutions that solve a problem.

Mangosat wishes to quote its customers transparently, as much as possible all-inclusive, and by the job.

We sincerely believe that our service levels are realistic and achievable. Phrased differently: we won’t quote for solutions or commercial services that cannot be met in practice under commonly accepted circumstances.

No hidden surprises (and therefore no uncomfortable discussions) and as much as possible no after the fact extra charges on the final invoice.

Global rate cards however are therefore not easy to produce. Click here to read why

What do we need from you?

As much relevant data input as practical possible.

What do you exactly want? Where and when? And if applicable and if possible, we also want to know more about your conditions, restrictions, limitations and expectations. The better and more accurate your input, the better and more competitive our output. 

Click the button to start an organised request.

Note: an online tool for all the other Mangosat and NWNS Services & Solutions will be made available soon.

NOT UNIMPORTANT – please read this to:

Your input defines the quality of our output:

Proper and fast quoting is only possible if the exact requirements including all critical details have been disclosed and of course shared with Mangosat or NWNS at the time of request.

If Mangosat or NWNS does not have enough information to comfortably quote for the total job, we have no other option but quoting for an estimated amount of hours (time), millage (travel) and materials (if need to be purchased).

Note: We won’t attempt to up-sell you any additional services. Never! And we certainly won’t tell you we do more than we do or can do.

How to submit a request:

Please submit an email including a very detailed description of your exact requirements or better and therefore preferred – just fill out one of our web-based tool forms. Alternatively, if you wish to discuss your requirements verbally you are invited to contact a Mangosat / NWNS sales representative directly. We are equally happy to contact you. No worries, no obligations no hidden traps and no endless spamming. Just let us know when you are available and want to make time for us.

After your request has been received successfully

you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt following your request. We will process your request immediately and our objective is an attractive and transparent quotation for your review within 24 hours. If your request is not standard we will have to contact you for additional questions. A quotation within 24hrs may then not be feasible.

Why a “Global Rate Card” is difficult

Why a (uniform) rate card pricing structure for Mangosat and NWNS global field services is difficult to produce or maintain and therefore not always possible:

We at Mangosat and NWNS understand that our clients prefer static or uniform pricing aka “Rate Card”. Benefits of this strategy include the ease of administration and the customer goodwill created by such a policy. The main disadvantage is that a rigid uniform pricing policy can easily be matched or undercut by our competitors. But this is not the only reason:

Read More

Photo credit: Unsplash

Page last modified: Jun 28, 2024 @ 6:48 am