

Photo credit: Unsplash

Focusing on the unique challenges of extending the connectivity everyone takes for granted in the crowded centres of the world.


Traditionally, networking and connectivity have been easy to take for granted; ticking over in background and largely unnoticed.


Today, we must view networking and connectivity differently – thinking of them as delivering outcomes rather than just existing invisibly.

With this shift in focus, networking and connectivity can become the fundamental point of how your organisation collaborates with partners, suppliers and customers.

Over the course of the last two decades, the internet has become nearly ubiquitous. However, in many countries or (remote) areas connectivity is still either unavailable, intermittent, restricted, or slow at its very best. Typically this a problem.

Reliable access to broadband will never get to every premises in the land without using complimentary solutions. This could be another problem, but one we can fix.

Do you need support with your (remote) networking & connectivity?

Mangosat enables you to identify the ideal mix of solutions that will help establishing a foundation on which you can build innovation, improve performance and drive growth while remaining flexible for future connectivity needs. Always, anywhere and everywhere.

Know your business drivers to identify where you are today and what tomorrow could look like. We help you selecting, implementing, and using the right, reliable, and secure network and connectivity technology to succeed.

What technical support is needed to keep your systems and your business running?

Photo credit: Pixabay

We integrate and provide innovative end-to-end technology solutions that help your business and organisation to succeed and we offer a single point of purchase for a broad range of technology solutions and services.

What our customers want and demand – peace of mind.

Multinational operating organisations – our customers – want universal and guaranteed access to reliable, stable, secure, and affordable Internet wherever they do business.

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In rural and underserved areas, such a total service may not always be easy to deliver and maintain.

Mangosat customers shouldn’t have to worry about possible solutions such as using a satellite, a cellular, or any alternative network.

Customer’s decision should be ” do we – or do we not –  want relaible connectivity”….and then let Mangosat figure the rest.

Photo Mangosat/NWNS

Photo credit: Pixabay

At Mangosat we want to understand our customer exact requirements to provide a perfectly matching “Last Mile Connectivity Service” 

We promote our total solution as “MangoLink”

We provide this service globally, but our focus is on developing markets and underserved areas.

Because this is where we can make all the difference.

Oftentimes, people only take cellular connectivity into account because they know about it and they think that alternatives – especially satellite – come with large antennas and a high price. 

But that mindset is changing as businesses see the benefit of being always connected while reliable cellular connectivity is not always available.

Picture Mangosat/NWNS

Mangosat’s Last-mile Connectivity Concept (MangoLink) connects our customers with local service and solution providers in more than 140 countries. We guarantee our customers the connectivity solution they need at the best possible price and quality.

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Under development

Comprehensive high-performance GEO-LEO connectivity solutions.

As the world becomes increasingly connected, the connectivity needs of people, businesses and nations become more intense. With increasing digitalization, remote offices, field operations, and science and research missions are all in need of a reliable connectivity service beyond the reach of terrestrial support.

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Under development

Under development


More I(o)T but Without the Tech Headaches.

Our back-up solution “MangoLink” is a portable internet router concept for network uplink and downlink aggregation – designed to support mission critical applications in remote locations. It allows users to combine up to 8 networks to aggregate bandwidth to give one reliable, redundant and fast(er) Internet connection. Read More


Photo credit: Unsplash

The CONCEPT is easy
Mangosat represent its customer there where the service is required. We organise and deliver a total solution as specified by our customer.

But the devil is in the details:

Beyond the logistical difficulties with providing internet access in developing countries the challenge of access can be severely limited by factors including economical (excessive costs), technical (lack of coverage), and cultural (over-regulation aka bureaucracy).

We believe that one must have the boots on the ground, the people in place to manage and overcome all the local hurdles….there will be many. 

And we have!

In the space of 25+ years we’ve established a reliable global network of local affiliates and Field Service Representatives (FSR) who work on our behalf. In addition, we have closed flexible agreements with licensed telecom providers operating locally. Read More

Examples of countries where Mangosat has successfully arranged for – or on behalf – its customers last mile connectivity include:

UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, Russia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Malaysia, Guam, Palau.

And the list keeps growing.

To guarantee continuity and an excellent customer service our multilingual global Mangosat / NWNS Helpdesk and Network Operations Center operates 24 x 7. For more detail click here.

Mangosat uses a ticketing system, and our real people can be easily reached by email, telephone, or web portal.

Under Development

Photo Mangosat / NWNS
Page last modified: Dec 26, 2023 @ 10:35 am