Notices, Statements, Declarations & Disclaimers

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It’s all about how we do things in Mangosat and NWNS , our business ethics. 

And everyone who works in our organisation plays a part. Our values, purpose and ethics code define who we are and what we stand for, together.

Mangosat’s high ethical standards and our Code of Conduct provides guidance for dealing with customers, suppliers, other employees, competitors and the public with integrity and in an ethical and appropriate manner.

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We compete vigorously but fairly, being honest, respectful and trustworthy in all our dealings. There’s nothing wrong with using every resource we have to gain a legitimate competitive edge: our people, our knowledge, our experience. But we always act ethically in line with our values, policies, the law and our regulatory obligations.

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At Mangosat we comply with all the laws that apply to our work including laws that apply internationally as for example the UK Bribery Act and US Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act.

In many countries we operate under licensed conditions or other regulations that may impose obligations, restrict what we can do, or mean we have to tell a government what we’re doing. All people working with Mangosat including staff, field support and our clients need to be aware of – and comply with – any regulation that applies to our work.

As any (global) company, we need to be careful about where we trade and who we trade with. This includes complying with embargoes and sanctions which have been imposed on certain countries, groups of countries, or individuals.

We Respect Human Rights And Each Other

Human rights recognize everyone’s inherent dignity and equality, no matter who they are or where they live. So we think particularly carefully about the rights of our employees, workers in our supply chain, our customers and the wider communities where we operate. We only want to work with people who choose to work freely, with rights to equal opportunity, freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Anyone at any time can report concerns about modern slavery to the Modern Slavery Helpline and Resource Centre online at

Mangosat is committed to conduct its business with honesty and integrity and in compliance with the laws of all jurisdictions in which Mangosat is active.

Click here to read more about – or download – the following Mangosat policies:

  • Mangosat Code of Conduct on Corruption & Bribery.
  • Mangosat Gifts & Hospitality Policy.
  • Mangosat Global Sanctions Policy.
  • Mangosat GDPR and Privacy Notices.
  • Mangosat Health & Safety Policy.

Inspired by one of our customers: “Speak Up” is a confidential hotline that anyone who works for, with, or on behalf of NWNS can call, whatever country they work in. You can also raise your concern online and anonymously if you prefer, subject to local law.

Using “Speak Up” is often the best and safest way to raise a sensitive ethical issue with someone who isn’t connected to your team.

We know it can take courage to speak up. We’ll do whatever we can to support and protect you. And we won’t let anyone retaliate against you for reporting your concerns.

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Doing business with Mangosat & NWNS

All purchase orders (POs) issued by Mangosat to supplier [Vendor] of products, deliverables, and/or services are made in accordance with our terms and conditions and any additional terms and conditions shown on the face of the Purchase Order (PO).

This Section is under development and to be published soon.

NWNS maintains and global liability insurance covering its field services globally (except USA and Canada).

Mangosat maintains a DBA (Defence Base Act) insurance. Defense Base Act insurance exists to provide US Government contractors with an insurance solution to protect its employees and sub-contractors against employment-related injuries while working outside of the United States.

This Section is under development and to be published soon.

In the (unlikely) event you are unhappy with our service, we at Mangosat want to do everything that’s in our power and possibilities to make you back happy. For this reason, Mangosat welcomes your complaint and we hope you will give us the opportunity to rectify the situation.


We don’t tolerate bribery and corruption! Mangosat is committed to conducting its business with honesty and integrity and in compliance with the laws of all jurisdictions in which Mangosat is active.

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All Mangosat staff is certified according to international standards established by the United Nations.

Gifts and hospitality can be a normal and healthy part of building business relationships. But as Mangosat, we never offer or accept gifts, payments or hospitality to encourage or reward a decision. 

We very well understand that different cultures have different attitudes to what’s acceptable. But as an international business serving prime customers, we need to respect these differences, while staying true to our ethics code.

Therefore, we’ve implemented a gifts and hospitality policy to help anyone involved to work out what we believe is or isn’t okay.

Sanctions are the regulatory restrictions applicable to dealings with certain countries/territories, governments, groups, entities, individuals, or controlled goods or services. The nature and extent of these restrictions may vary (i.e. limitations on import/export, controls on specific goods and services, restrictions on financial operations, etc.), and it is important that all parties involved understand the business implications. Read More

We protect the confidential and private details of our company, people and customers. Customers, businesses and public sector organisations trust us to handle their personal data safely and securely. Therefore, we have a set of binding rules which people working for, with and on behalf of Mangosat need to comply with. 

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This Privacy Notice for Candidates for Employment contains information about how Mangosat BV, NWNS FZE, NWNS (Global), and each of its controlled subsidiaries collects, stores, discloses and uses personal data during the recruitment process.

This Privacy Notice for Customers and Field Partners contains information about how Mangosat BV, NWNS FZE, NWNS (Global), and each of its controlled subsidiaries collects, stores, discloses and uses personal and corporate data

Mangosat believes that health, safety and well being are critical contributors to our (future) commercial success. Mangosat cares about its people, its partners and its customers and will take a positive approach to their health, safety and well being through the promotion of healthy behaviours to help them avoid illness or injury arising from their work.

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Compliance is the state of being in accordance with established guidelines or specifications, or the process of becoming so.

Our definition of compliance encompasses our efforts to ensure that Mangosat and NWNS are abiding by both industry regulations and government legislation.

Compliance is for us a prevalent business concern, partly because of an ever-increasing number of regulations that require us to be vigilant about maintaining a full understanding of the regulatory requirements for compliance. 

At Mangosat, we strive to deliver on our value of caring for the communities where we live and work – so the environment around us and the people we serve will have a better future.

Not just fancy words, this is how we really work and our statement is backed up by numerous of real life examples such as our Bigwa Farm & Orchard City in Tanzania.

Moreover, we seek to do business with suppliers and customers who share our social and environmental values, and to work to enhance the sustainability of their operations.

Page last modified: Mar 6, 2024 @ 9:28 pm